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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kaiser day (Part 1)

My OB/GYN doc will be off work for a while d/t family emergency, so I had appointment with another doc. My weight is 166 lbs, but BP is at high 130 range. The worst is 3+ protein found in urine (sign of pre-eclampsia). So doc advised me to be off work this week. Plus I need to have several lab tests done including 24 hr urine protein.

Today was the 1st day I heard BBs' heartbeat @ doc's office & 1st non-stress test. They are pretty strong & regular. Their positions are still the same (girl: breech, boy: transverse). Doc said if they stay this way, I'll have scheduled c-section on week of July 24. Same comment I got from my original OB/GYN doc. With non-stress test, I stayed @ Kaiser from 11am till 1:30pm. What a long day. But more to come, see head/neck specialist @2:30pm, then newborn class would be held @ night. Luckily, Terence is off today. I bet I would fall asleep in car.

Too bad to know that specialist advised me to wait till 1 month after delivery to have the procedure done (if swollen gum won't shrink back by then). Cuz even I got it removed now, it will grow back again d/t high hormone level I got from pregnancy.


Andrew & Flora said...

Hi Agnes,
So good to know that you are still OK. I thought the twins want to come out earlier. Pray that all the pain and uncomfort will be gone soon.

吳李慧儀 Agnes Lee said...

Flora: I hope so. But I know if I do breastfeeding later on, my hormonal level will stay elevated. The bloody swollen gum may still be swollen & bleed. Just hope not as bad as now. Thanks for your prayer.