精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hot day today

I was off today for doctor appointment. My weight is 160 lbs. Doc said everything looks good. My cervix is still long & closed. BBs still r in breech position. If they don't change position, C section may be scheduled to be done on 38th week. Just hope this pair of 'Golden pig' BB would change their positions, so I won't be cut opened. My blood pressure & urine both r still normal. But my blood pressure is higher than last time. I'll c doc again on 6/26, then I'll know if I can still work, or need to stay home like a prisoner. I'd rather be working. Staying home alone is so boring.

I thought of doing more shopping today after doctor appointment. But today is so hot (95F). I feel better staying home & watching TV with cool treat (yogurt/fruit/cracker) by my side.


言西早 said...

u wrote everything so detailed like I'm reading a report tim. Hope your "golden BBs" healthy and happy ah.

吳李慧儀 Agnes Lee said...

Cuz it would be my 1st & last pregnancy. I like to record every moment if I can. Hope this 'report' is not too boring to u.