精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 10, 2007

End of 31 week

We went to SF Marina district this weekend. As due date is getting closer, we both think it could be our last time to go to SF beachside before BBs come. It was so windy as usual. We saw a lot of yacht/windsurfing. So relaxing....but Terence got cold from this climate.

I have been having "Braxton-Hicks" or false contraction lately. Perinatal nurse said it's normal as long as I don't get it more than 6 in an hour. Everytime I get false contraction, my tummy would be tighten like a rock. I can see & feel where their heads/bottoms are.
Now, I get more symptoms d/t pregnancy. For the past few days, I have been having a tough time to get good night sleep. 1 time I even awake since 12:30am. All d/t either frequent bathroom call, swollen leg discomfort, or nighttime BB swimming contest inside my belly. Another new symptom is I got swollen gum @ front teeth. It's d/t extra hormone from pregnancy. My coworker (dentist) said nothing I can do. It will go away few weeks after delivery. The section got swollen gum like a big blood blister. It would bleed suddenly & it takes a while to get it to stop. I got blood on clothes 3 times already. IT bleed so much that gauze can get soaked up instantly. I found the best way to stop it is to put pressure on it/suck my own blood till it stops.


Unknown said...

嘩!好大個肚呀!見刑d BB衫好開心呀!

吳李慧儀 Agnes Lee said...

Yes, I sometimes feel my tummy is as big as a missile. HA HA!