精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 23, 2007

血瘡瘦身了 YEAH!!

After days/nights of 血染 everything (clothes, carpet, pillow, pillowcase, night gown etc), 血瘡 噴血 portion suddenly gone this morning. Now only left with the swollen gum portion. I can finally see 2/3 of my right front tooth. Before that, half of my R front tooth was hidden underneath 血瘡. Even the area still would bleed, at least it won't spray out of my mouth...just bleed along gum & my tooth..so it would stay inside my mouth.

I can finally say bye bye to those midnight washing period (wash linen that soak with blood in the middle of the night). With frequent bathroom visit & washing cycle, I really had a hard time to get back to sleep. Hope from now on, I can get more sleep.

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