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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Off working starting NOW

I slept on living room's couch last night. cuz it would be more convenient for me to access to fridge, & dump urine into the 24 hr urine collector. All the urine had to keep refrigerated. I don't know why I didn't sleep good last night (d/t sleeping on couch?). I've been up every hour since 1:30am. Amazingly, I didn't get headache afterward. In fact, I have not had a good night sleep since I was 32 week pregnant. Cuz turning side to side is such a hard work for me.

Anyway, I saw doc again today, then I would know if I could work 1 more day or not. I hope I can keep working part time for 1 more week. But my BP didn't make my wish comes true. I got BP140/78. Higher than 2 days ago. So even my BP is still in normal range, but on a climbing trend. According to doc's preference, I should off work starting now.

Starting next week, my 'job' would be going to Kaiser for non-stress test twice a week, & staying home alone as a 'prisoner' till delivery. But for sure I'll have plenty time to write blog.

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