精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 14, 2007


A friend said it's hard to imagine my legs can be that swollen. Me too. Now even my upper thigh started to be swollen. Both of my upper thigh can touch each other when I walk. I bet I walk like a fat lady now. D/t swollen legs, some easy things become hard for me to do. Taking pants(socks) off/putting pants(socks) on, or cutting my toe nails can't be done without taking effort/deep breath (Almost like MISSION IMPOSSIBLE). Doc said at least 10 lbs I gained is from swollen legs & swollen fingers.

Today, I have my swollen gum bled 4 times @ work. More often than usual. So much that it seems like I was donating blood. I needed to wash my clothes couple times afterward. Coworkers said I could be the best studying example. Cuz I carries twins, so I get more symptoms in a more severe form, & much earlier than those just carries 1 BB. Even though I feel great & able to work 5 days a week, my boss (who's 6 month pregnant) feels I should just work 4 days a week. I'm workaholic or what? I just don't like to stay home alone. I like having free lunch & people to talk to @ work. Time goes faster @ work.


HoHo said...

You got fat legs!!! I thought my leg was fat but after looking at your photos. You WIN.

HoHo said...

BTW, nice blog.

HoHo said...

This is Henry...

Andrew & Flora said...

Hi Agnes,
Nice Blog... Good to hear from you too. I looked at your blog almost everyday. Take more photos...

吳李慧儀 Agnes Lee said...

OK...Henry...then where's my prize?

HoHo said...

ok, dinner on me! Can you make it out the door? haha, I'm teasing you. But I have enough trouble myself.

Karen said...

after hearing about your stories, i have even more respect for mothers. Good to know that you are fun-loving as usual amid all the symptoms!
-Karen So

Andrew & Flora said...

Hi Agnes,
When is your due date? Take care and rest more.

吳李慧儀 Agnes Lee said...

Andrew & Flora: My due date is Aug 7
Karen: Me too. I expect having discomfort, but not that much. I bet it's twins, so I got those discomfort double the amount??