精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 29, 2007

Death sentence

Now is 10:55am. I just received a call from my new OB/GYN doc. She said the result of my 24 hr unrine is back. There is a lot of protein in it. After consulting with specialist, they recommend me to admit to hospital to stay till delivery day. I feel fine & still has so many unfinished business. I hope I don't end up staying this long la. Cuz I'm just 34 week pregnant. If I do stay till delivery date, I would stay in hospital for 4 weeks. Staying home is not fun. Staying in hospital is even worse...much worse than Paris Hilton's recent prison experience. I told Terence. He said he'll try to be home early..but can only leave work by 4pm. I hope I won't get sick until then la. I hope I can be released back to home soon in just 1-2 day la.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Off working starting NOW

I slept on living room's couch last night. cuz it would be more convenient for me to access to fridge, & dump urine into the 24 hr urine collector. All the urine had to keep refrigerated. I don't know why I didn't sleep good last night (d/t sleeping on couch?). I've been up every hour since 1:30am. Amazingly, I didn't get headache afterward. In fact, I have not had a good night sleep since I was 32 week pregnant. Cuz turning side to side is such a hard work for me.

Anyway, I saw doc again today, then I would know if I could work 1 more day or not. I hope I can keep working part time for 1 more week. But my BP didn't make my wish comes true. I got BP140/78. Higher than 2 days ago. So even my BP is still in normal range, but on a climbing trend. According to doc's preference, I should off work starting now.

Starting next week, my 'job' would be going to Kaiser for non-stress test twice a week, & staying home alone as a 'prisoner' till delivery. But for sure I'll have plenty time to write blog.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kaiser day (Part 2)

Last night, we went to Walnut Creek for newborn class. It was long~2.5 hrs till 10pm. No wonder Terence was not able to focus (even more than usual). He kept looking up to celing & peeling his fingers. Just completely staying in his own world instead of listening to what the speaker was saying. That's usual to me. I guess only computer conference can get his attention.

Later, I asked him if he could point out some of the points that the speaker mentioned. Of course, he could not mention any. Now is the best time to teach/prepare him with idea what's coming in a near future, cuz I'm still in good shape. But I doubt he has energy/interest to learn any. I just hope things will not go too wild that I can't handle myself.

My cousin asked me if I like vaginal birth or C-section. I know Terence prefers C-section. Cuz it can be scheduled, so for sure he would be around. But with his health plan, we may need to pay extra $ for C-section. If BBs' position allows me to have vaginal birth, my recovery time will be shorter. But I'm scare of the pain..the most is I don't think Terence is strong enough to support me (physically/mentally). Cuz labor can last for hours even a day. He even said he got tired after just giving me 1 body massage (learned from childbirth class..massage after each contraction). Frankly, I would be scared & feel helpless during labor if my helper(Terence) can't be helpful. So even I hate to be under knife, & pay extra $. I think C-section sounds better to me. At least, Terence doesn't need to do much (I don't need to count on him in that case).

I know for sure once BBs come, I'll be the super-woman (mom). Just hope Terence can slowly become a properly trained dad with a helping hand, so I won't feel I'm alone/taking full load on taking care of BBs. Please PRAY FOR ME!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kaiser day (Part 1)

My OB/GYN doc will be off work for a while d/t family emergency, so I had appointment with another doc. My weight is 166 lbs, but BP is at high 130 range. The worst is 3+ protein found in urine (sign of pre-eclampsia). So doc advised me to be off work this week. Plus I need to have several lab tests done including 24 hr urine protein.

Today was the 1st day I heard BBs' heartbeat @ doc's office & 1st non-stress test. They are pretty strong & regular. Their positions are still the same (girl: breech, boy: transverse). Doc said if they stay this way, I'll have scheduled c-section on week of July 24. Same comment I got from my original OB/GYN doc. With non-stress test, I stayed @ Kaiser from 11am till 1:30pm. What a long day. But more to come, see head/neck specialist @2:30pm, then newborn class would be held @ night. Luckily, Terence is off today. I bet I would fall asleep in car.

Too bad to know that specialist advised me to wait till 1 month after delivery to have the procedure done (if swollen gum won't shrink back by then). Cuz even I got it removed now, it will grow back again d/t high hormone level I got from pregnancy.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Last day of work ...probable

Today could be my last day of work. I'll know for sure by tomorrow after doctor's appointment.

I hope I can continue working for 1 more week. Anyway, I told coworkers & clients that today could be my last day before I start maternity leave. Surprisingly, a recreational therapist Frances told me to show up in day room around 1: 30pm. Then I found out that clients @ Fillmore collected some money, & bought me BB gifts. How touching, especially I only started to know them since January, and many of them are not financially well. I do appreciate the gift I received, but the support from clients is more precious & brought me great joy. It is a BIG reward from this job.

Being a nurse can be very stressful depends on which area you work in. Often is this kind of gesture such as a smile/appreciation from client that gives us strength/reason to carry on staying in stressful nursing field.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

BB shower (fellowship)

Fellowship organized a BB shower for 2 pairs of parents-to-be (Terence & Me Plus Felix & Megan). It was so good to see some old faces like Nelson, Edith, Willion & Alice.
I hope games @ BB shower can give Terence more idea of what it's going to be like when BBs come. Many of you may know that he has no exposure with BB in his life. He even hasn't touched a BB.

Thanks to Abby & Ivan for organizing the BB shower, especially Ivan who designed games to train/torture fathers-to-be. It sure gave Terence some hand on experience. Now he at least knows how heavy/tough it is to carry just half of the weight of my tummy. Terence even said he'll do all housechores starting now. I bet his definition of 'all housechores' is totally different from what's in my mind. So if I want to get back to my way of ideal home setting after 'sit month', I sure need to do as much housechores as I can. Rely on Terence, I then have to lower my standard of ideal home setting.
Anyway, I sure feel warmth/love/caring through all of you (even I sometime feel I'm facing this upcoming challenge alone without family nearby).

Saturday, June 23, 2007

血瘡瘦身了 YEAH!!

After days/nights of 血染 everything (clothes, carpet, pillow, pillowcase, night gown etc), 血瘡 噴血 portion suddenly gone this morning. Now only left with the swollen gum portion. I can finally see 2/3 of my right front tooth. Before that, half of my R front tooth was hidden underneath 血瘡. Even the area still would bleed, at least it won't spray out of my mouth...just bleed along gum & my tooth..so it would stay inside my mouth.

I can finally say bye bye to those midnight washing period (wash linen that soak with blood in the middle of the night). With frequent bathroom visit & washing cycle, I really had a hard time to get back to sleep. Hope from now on, I can get more sleep.

Friday, June 22, 2007


I finally see a doctor today re: 血瘡. The doctor agrees with my idea, & will refer me to see a Head & Neck speciliast next Tuesday. I hope I can finally get rid of it next week, & get my freedom back.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


2 of Terence's friends (known from San Jose U) & their couple came over from Sunnyvale to visit us. We brought them to Dublin's newly opened Ulferts Center http://www.ulferts.com/dublin/index.php to have lunch. It was hot on this Father's Day. We were chit chatting with Kelvin & his gf while we were waiting for Arthur & his wife. Good that I was facing Terence. My 血瘡 suddenly gushed blood out like a wide opened hose. Terence's clothes got many blood stain. Not only that, the ground & a bumper of a car parked in front of me also got blood. How embarrassing!! IT happened once @ clinic before. Luckily that no coworker or client stood where I sprayed my blood. It bleeds unexpectedly...It can bleed if I bite on something like apple, or even a smile can trigger it to bleed. So much blood came out that I can't even swallow all of my blood on time. Some wonders if I would be anemic d/t that.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


A friend said it's hard to imagine my legs can be that swollen. Me too. Now even my upper thigh started to be swollen. Both of my upper thigh can touch each other when I walk. I bet I walk like a fat lady now. D/t swollen legs, some easy things become hard for me to do. Taking pants(socks) off/putting pants(socks) on, or cutting my toe nails can't be done without taking effort/deep breath (Almost like MISSION IMPOSSIBLE). Doc said at least 10 lbs I gained is from swollen legs & swollen fingers.

Today, I have my swollen gum bled 4 times @ work. More often than usual. So much that it seems like I was donating blood. I needed to wash my clothes couple times afterward. Coworkers said I could be the best studying example. Cuz I carries twins, so I get more symptoms in a more severe form, & much earlier than those just carries 1 BB. Even though I feel great & able to work 5 days a week, my boss (who's 6 month pregnant) feels I should just work 4 days a week. I'm workaholic or what? I just don't like to stay home alone. I like having free lunch & people to talk to @ work. Time goes faster @ work.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hot day today

I was off today for doctor appointment. My weight is 160 lbs. Doc said everything looks good. My cervix is still long & closed. BBs still r in breech position. If they don't change position, C section may be scheduled to be done on 38th week. Just hope this pair of 'Golden pig' BB would change their positions, so I won't be cut opened. My blood pressure & urine both r still normal. But my blood pressure is higher than last time. I'll c doc again on 6/26, then I'll know if I can still work, or need to stay home like a prisoner. I'd rather be working. Staying home alone is so boring.

I thought of doing more shopping today after doctor appointment. But today is so hot (95F). I feel better staying home & watching TV with cool treat (yogurt/fruit/cracker) by my side.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

End of 31 week

We went to SF Marina district this weekend. As due date is getting closer, we both think it could be our last time to go to SF beachside before BBs come. It was so windy as usual. We saw a lot of yacht/windsurfing. So relaxing....but Terence got cold from this climate.

I have been having "Braxton-Hicks" or false contraction lately. Perinatal nurse said it's normal as long as I don't get it more than 6 in an hour. Everytime I get false contraction, my tummy would be tighten like a rock. I can see & feel where their heads/bottoms are.
Now, I get more symptoms d/t pregnancy. For the past few days, I have been having a tough time to get good night sleep. 1 time I even awake since 12:30am. All d/t either frequent bathroom call, swollen leg discomfort, or nighttime BB swimming contest inside my belly. Another new symptom is I got swollen gum @ front teeth. It's d/t extra hormone from pregnancy. My coworker (dentist) said nothing I can do. It will go away few weeks after delivery. The section got swollen gum like a big blood blister. It would bleed suddenly & it takes a while to get it to stop. I got blood on clothes 3 times already. IT bleed so much that gauze can get soaked up instantly. I found the best way to stop it is to put pressure on it/suck my own blood till it stops.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Babyshower @ work

Yesterday, coworkers organized a secret babyshower for me. In fact, I wondered about it a day before yesterday, cuz I overheard of it(the clinic is so open that has no soundproof). I even knew the detail of it when another coworker informed me with a phone call. But of course, I needed to pretend I knew nothing on that day. I'm so thankful & happy that they did it to me. Cuz I didn't expect it. I used to work in another clinic. I only started working in the clinic I'm in since January/07.
Besides BB clothes & gift cards, I received 2 multi purpose homemade blankets. They r made of satin silk. They look so fancy. They r made by RN Melissa. She said BBs can be royal BBs under those wraps. I don't even know she has a talent of making quilt. Amazing.