精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Flash back of delivery day 6/30

I had been worrying that no one would be around when I got in labor. Turned out..I needed to admit to hosp d/t protein in urine on 6/29. I arrived hosp with my hubby on 6/29 8pm. I was checked out that everything was fine(I had a mild pre-eclampsia..143/78). Needed to stay in hosp for BP monitoring till delivery. I thought I would be so bored in hosp for 1 month.

Then I had mentrual cramp in the middle of that night, and voided some blood & white particle. But the RN said it was fine. Then I had some clear fluid came out...she checked with acid paper & said that was not "water'. Shortly afterward, I had more fluid came out. This time I got checked by a doctor, he said my water broke, & needed to have emergency c-section. I called my hubby @3:15am.

Karissa was born @ 6/30 4:46am (4 lb 7 oz. Apgar score: 9 on 1st min, then 10..full score on 5 min). Kody was born @ 4:47am (3 lb 14 oz. Apgar score 8 on 1st min, then 9 on 5 min). Both didn't need any oxygen. Both sent to NICU. Just got IV & put into isolette to keep them warm. According to Lunar Calendar, they both born on 5th month, day 16.

Karissa now cries only when she's hungry. She breaks her own feeding record daily. From eating 35 ml each time..to now 70 ml(can finish a bottle in a flash), then would sleep for 4 hr. Very Very healthy.

Kody has long legs & long fingers...Got tired easily d/t his size, not a fussy BB. Need more time to learn how to suck. Otherwise, he's good too. He was good last night...finished whole bottle of 35 ml by himself, no need to gavage. Keep up the good work..son.

I could walk with help of pain killer on 2 days after surgery. Now I can walk without pain killer. With caring/love from friends, I got different kind of soup delivered to home & during hospitalization.

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