精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, August 6, 2007

Praise the Lord

After having 3 post partum mom & 1 pregnant mom left the center, we finally have a roommate. It would be a 28 week pregnant mom with twins (also expecting 1 boy & 1 girl). She came to center cuz she's like me ( no family/relative here in US, but husband). Even though she's younger & not as thin as I do, her pregnancy is not that smooth. She already got blood shown & her cervix already got shortened, so she's on medication to help to stop the dilation. Frankly, her belly is not as big as I did when I was 28 week pregnant. No wonder her doctor said she doesn't gain enough weight & urges her to eat more.

She arrived in the late afternoon & had dinner with us. But she complained of having bladder/tummy pain & had tears d/t pain during dinner. Later, she even voided blood in bathroom. Her husband came & had her in ER now. Hope everything's fine with her & BB.

However, I know twins would be really really small @ this stage. Plus they sure need to have oxygen mask, cuz they won't be strong enough to breathe on their own till they r 34 week. That's why I said I'm lucky. I have Kody & Karissa when I was 34.5 week pregnant..just pass that time. Plus they are so healthy & got full APGAR score even they were born premature...most important is their mom is me...a v.skinny/not physically fit mom. They can be that healthy despite of all that. It sure is God's work. Praise the Lord.

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