精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kody likes bathing

Kody enjoys bath everytime. He usally is very quiet. But once he is having a bath, he would be so happy/excited....move his limbs at all time.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

More visitors

My coworker Mei Zhi & her classmate (L & D nurse) came all the way from SF to visit us. She also bought a big box of diaper (very practical..I like it). Henry & Bonnie are so nice that come & make dinner for us. Henry even brought a rock cod he caught ..& made a steamed fish. That really saved my appetite. Cuz Terence doesn't eat fish, so I seldom get a chance to eat fish.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

1.5 month old Kody

It is rare to see that Kody is that calm.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007

1st pic @ home

I started to have headache from lack of enough sleep. The worst is I feel I become teenager again (the kind like to argue or say bad thing @ back of the person). The nanny we got has 'long gas'. She rushes me to do thing ASAP. Nagging me to do this & that. I feel like I have my mom besides me again. So annoying. But worst is I'm the 1 that pays her...but get this kind of treatment. If I were a teenager, I would throw temper, get angry & tell her to shut up. However, it's hard to get a nanny that's willing to work like 24 hrs (cuz Karissa doesn't sleep much @ night, so nanny doesn't get enough sleep daily.)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Last day @ center

Center's owner Yang Yang bought 2 chocolate cakes to Kody & Karissa. Along are pics Karissa taken with Yang Yang.

Even I didn't have enough rest or quiet moment @ center d/t their staff shortage, I still treasure the time in this center. Cuz for sure I'll be much more busier @ home than in the center. I feel going back home is a big challenge to me. Kody & Karissa...I hope we all can survive @ home.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Leaving tomorrow

Sorry to know that the new roommate (pregnant with twins) stayed @ hospital overnight. She gave birth yesterday. Doctor said BB girl was dead inside the womb for a period of time, and BB boy was sent to another hospital after birth. It must be v.sad to this new mom. Carrying twins is not as easy as it seems to be. I was lucky that I only had bleeding episode once at the very beginning stage, plus only got hospitalized once during this pregnancy d/t fibroid pain. Compared to this new mom, my pregnancy is nothing.

Good that I'll leave center tomorrow instead of Aug 10. Cuz the new mom will be back to center on Aug 10. If she sees me with my twins in center, it may remind her that she did carry twins (1 boy & 1 girl) before.

Today, everyone gives me a funny expression. Yang Yang said it would be interesting to imagine my days @ home with twins (cuz they both became hard to take care of @ end of 'sit month' period.

Pics: (See that many facial expression of Karissa)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Praise the Lord

After having 3 post partum mom & 1 pregnant mom left the center, we finally have a roommate. It would be a 28 week pregnant mom with twins (also expecting 1 boy & 1 girl). She came to center cuz she's like me ( no family/relative here in US, but husband). Even though she's younger & not as thin as I do, her pregnancy is not that smooth. She already got blood shown & her cervix already got shortened, so she's on medication to help to stop the dilation. Frankly, her belly is not as big as I did when I was 28 week pregnant. No wonder her doctor said she doesn't gain enough weight & urges her to eat more.

She arrived in the late afternoon & had dinner with us. But she complained of having bladder/tummy pain & had tears d/t pain during dinner. Later, she even voided blood in bathroom. Her husband came & had her in ER now. Hope everything's fine with her & BB.

However, I know twins would be really really small @ this stage. Plus they sure need to have oxygen mask, cuz they won't be strong enough to breathe on their own till they r 34 week. That's why I said I'm lucky. I have Kody & Karissa when I was 34.5 week pregnant..just pass that time. Plus they are so healthy & got full APGAR score even they were born premature...most important is their mom is me...a v.skinny/not physically fit mom. They can be that healthy despite of all that. It sure is God's work. Praise the Lord.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Plan to leave center earlier

3rd mom leaves today. This mom leaves center for a different reason. She came to center on the same day as me. So she supposed to stay till Aug 10. But her Japanese husband (born in US)doesn't believe 'sit month' theory. He plans to have the whole family to go to Disneyland & San Diego next Tuesday. That's why this mom has to leave under her husband's pressure.

I also plan to leave early cuz Kody & Karissa would have doctor's appointment on Aug 8. Instead of coming back & stay in center till Aug 10 (just 2 more days), I decide to be home on Aug 8. So Terence doesn't need to drive back & forth between home & center (it's quite a long drive). Of course, my workload would be heavier once I'm home. Cuz I can't sleep through the night as I do in center. I would be taking care of 1 baby 24 hrs while nanny is taking care of another BB. So there would be no break at all.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Kody with baby rash

Kody started to have rash on face & neck 2 days ago. There were just 3 red spots. Now it turns out to be covered both cheeks, ears & a bit of forehead. Those rashes are raised & rough to touch. Good that Kody doesn't seem to have any pain/itchy feeling from them.

BTW, I don't know why Kody always looks as if he has fear (not happy/carefree like his sister)???

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sleeping trouble

Yang Yang told me that Karissa can't sleep if she is not held on tummy. She likes to be lie on top of people's chest to fell asleep. Doesn't like to be just placed on bassinet. Kody also doesn't like to be placed on bassinet. He likes to sleep on Boppy pillow instead. It sure would be a problem/issue to us if they keep these habit once they are home.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Daytime nanny resigned/ Soa Yee Visit

OH NO! Daytime nanny Cheng Ah E left us. She came this morning & told us that she wanted to quit the job cuz she noticed her skin is not as good as before since she started working here. What a reason? BTW, daytime is not as bad as nighttime. She often can get a nap on couch, plus most of moms would take care of their own BB on days. She just needs to wash bottoms after bowel movement, or do some feeding/diaper change.

No wonder another mom planned to leave center before the term is up. Esp those who does only breastfeeding, she only needs meal service basically. She sure can just order 'sit month' meal home delivery. So more mom think of leaving if they can't get more help other than meal service.

My hospital coworker Soa Yee came to visit. Today is her dayoff. She works on night shift, so even she came around 4pm, she still felt v.tired (like just got up). Kody was sleeping, so Soa Yee was only able to hold Karissa during visit.