精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day at Monterey Bay Aquarium

It's long weekend in USA. Daddy suggested us to go to aquarium yesterday since our last year membership is about to be expired. We thought Karissa would vomit in the car again like the last 2 times. Luckily, she fell asleep during our 2 hour drive to aquarium & no vomit. How nice.
Twins had a great time, but we notice they can play at those kids area for 1-2 more year before they become too old for it. Yesterday, Kody already got his feet aimed on a baby girl when he was so excited & moving his feet up and down on waterbed. 1-2 years later, we may sign up for membership of science museum instead???
Besides having fun at different kids zone, the event that they love everytime to the point they would have sweaty smelly head is chasing after pigeons at aquarium. All these sure tired them out & had their 2nd nap in car on our way back to home. With enough rest, they stayed up late last night ~11pm. What a long day.

More video from aquarium

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Karissa's drawing

Karissa likes to draw pictures so much lately. Here are 2 videos that show her Picasso style artwork.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dublin's farmers market

Today's the grand opening of Dublin's farmers market. We used to go to nearby town's farmers market.  It's good to hear that Dublin has its own now. Even it is smaller than another 1, but it is so good that it is even just 15 mins walk away from my home.
Twins love it so much because of the hand twist balloon. For me & Terence, it's so time consuming. It was so popular that it took us a long time to wait for just two $3 balloons. To the point that I felt like I was about to get chilled enough to get a cold soon.
WE bought some cookies, honey & very sweet tomatoes. Those tomatoes taste so fresh that were way better than those from supermarket. Produce that is striaght from local farm surely is better & fresh. It sounds like our routine Thursday activities in the afternoon would be go to farmers market???


The booth that made twins & many kids crazy

Twins' 戰利品 (butterfly balloon & spiderman sword)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Twins are too young to know what Mother's day means. So I just coach them to say Happy Mother's Day to me. We'll wait & see if they will know any better by next year.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Karissa & Kody are being silly. Today, they want to act as doggie (Kody) & horse (Karissa). Kody only would act as either doggie or baby. Karissa has so many faces e.g. horse, unicorn, kitty cat & Kody's mommy.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Playdate with Jonah & Jascha

A twins mom I got to know from 'Happy Talkers'--Swan. She said her 2 sons Jonah & Jascha would say their best friend is Kody. I wish Kody would have a clue. Usually, another kids from preschool may approach us or call Kody's name. But Kody & Karissa would make no response as if they have no idea that's their classmate.
Anyway, Swan invited us to go to her home for a playdate today. WE went there right after chinese school. Thanks for Swan who made lunch to us. Karissa & Kody both were so happy to have someone to play with. Here's an evidence to show the 2 sets of twins were having a good time. Karissa was not in the video. She was sitting on my lap eating while I was taping it.
If you listen carefully, Terence was getting professional advice from Swan re: how to play piano.

SF's farmers market

WE went to SF to relax. There was a farmers market. WE went & bought sandwiches & tons of strawberry as lunch.

Once we were back to home, Kody as usual was not in mood to have a nap. He took out the puzzle I bought yesterday to play. He only played it twice with my help yesterday. Suprisingly, he was able to finish it all by himself today. He was so proud that he even asked me to take a photo of his finished product. Good job, Kody.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Secret place

I usually would walk along the paved trail besides creek that is just next to our home.  Today, Terence took us for a walk and led us to walk on another side of trail which was not paved. What a surprise to know that there was more to see. There was a bridge & even a big area with pinic table that people could overlook the ranch that was not far from us.
During fall/winter time, when leaves all fell down from trees, we often can see people doing horse riding at ranch from our home's windows. With this new route, we can see horses from another angle.
Can you see some brown horses from the photo below? Just under the red leaves tree.
                                                                     Here is the creek.

Story night in Pleasanton

Thanks for Swan's recommendation. WE went to Pleasanton library for story night. It was fun to watch those puppet show. Twins loved it. But they did not feel comfortable enough to sit on floor upfront like other kids.
Kody preferred to sit with Swan's twins (Jonah & Jascha). But Karissa preferred to sit with me with other parents. I wish I could be split in 2 half. Of course not possible. So they both sat on my lap for the whole night. All kids were even got a free storybook. Karissa & Kody love their new storybooks so much that would not let me touch/read them for long.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Come back slowly

It's been a long time that I have not written any blog. Recently, my sister told me there were 2 blogs that were written by 2 Bay area moms. After reading those blogs, I feel I need to write my blog again to record the growing process of my twins even if I'm v. busy. IF I don't record them, I would not remember the detail of their growing path & lose a tool to
Time flies. They both are 3.5 years old now. By end of June, they'll be 4 years old. There were many big changes since the last time I wrote the blog. Not only twins get bigger, but I also get older of course. Now I take care of them & work 4 days a week with just 1 job. Not like before, I worked 3 jobs at the same time. No more live in nanny. Our family gets our privacy back, but a lot more work for me to do.
Get twins up around 7am, Dad will take them to preschool, I will do preparation work for my job, leave home @9am for work.... So busy that I often eat my breakfast while I'm driving to patients' homes. Back home by 3pm, start doing paperwork & prep work for kids' dinner. By 6pm, twins will be with me again for dinner, bathing & sleep time ~8:30pm. Dad will be back by 8pm. Usually by 9pm, I can finally eat my late dinner & be relaxed. Day after day. Wednesday is my only day off...the only day of each week that I can do housechore & make decent meals for family.
Being a mom is very busy. I'm so admired of others that have parents & in laws to offer help. Many times I would love to be back to Vancouver where I have friends, family & relatives, especially during holiday.
Now twins both are potty trained for daytime & attending full time preschool class for 3 years old. Karissa finally was able to join in Kody's class since beginning of January d/t her behaviour issue & refused to be potty trained. Now they only need diaper at night, it sure saves me a lot of $ & trip to Costco.
I notice twins understand more about x'mas. At least, they kept on asking me to drive them to see more x'mas light display. They would say there is 'rainbow 燈燈"---multi colors light, christmas tree, reindeer, santa claus, snowman. They sure know a lot more vocabulary since they turn 3 & with help from speech therapy. But I wonder if they were born premature or what. They look & act kind of like a 2 y.o. kid instead of a 3.5 years old. Anyway,  Kody 仔仔 would prefer to speak more English. Karissa 囡囡 would speak English to Kody 仔仔 & Cantonese to me.  It's better than baby talk. But they do act silly & say baby word.
2 weeks ago, we went to San Francisco. Twins saw those tiny single garage & remembered the size of the garage door was the same as the kind a friend we visited a week earlier has....so they suddenly kept saying Arthur (our firend's name)....but not saying Arthur 叔叔...they said silly words Arthur so so.....Soon they will be much bigger that I would miss this type of baby talk.

Ice skating

It is seldom to have fellowship gathering right in my town. We have no excuse not to show up. We had dim sum with fellowship friends, then we headed to ice skating rink in town. We just planned to take kids to have a look, and not planned to let them play. 1st we both don't know how to skate, plus it was time for twins to have nap. I guess it was the 1st time they saw ice skating, so they were so excited that they were not sleepy, and requested to try ice skating. I knew it would be waste of time & money, cuz they would end up having temper for sure due to it was time for nap.  But eventually, I did give up & rent a pair of shoes for them to take turn & play. End up...they just played for a short 30 mins.
DiDi were so afraid but insisted on playing. So scared that he was not relaxed & leaned on daddy at all time. Mui Mui was having fun briefly. She was not that scared...daddy said Mui Mui didn't even put her feet on ice at all time like DiDi did

Friday, December 31, 2010

San Francisco

It's been a long time we have not gone to SF. Since today is holiday & weekend, we go to SF fishermen's wharf & see if we can let Mui Mui to ride the carousel again. She loves to ride on it so much since she did twice on the day we went to San Jose (Christmas on the park). It is too bad that the carousel is closed due to rainy cold weather. Luckily, seals are still available for twins to see. They have seen many seals through TV. It is their 1st time to see seals. They are so thrilled. 1 thing that we are not sure is why Mui Mui would say she sees horse by the sea? Is she dreaming of those horses on carousel so much?

By the way, anyone see the difference of being held by MaMa & Daddy. Daddy would hold kids like so...everytime kids would cry...but Daddy is so happy whenever they scream/cry due to the way he holds them...?psychologically imbalance.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Daddy 於Nov 21晚回港.  所以, 今個weekend就只有我和雙豬嘜獨處.  原本都擔心自己能否應付, 尤其晚上.  因雙豬嘜各有各的睡眠問題. 
昨日傍晚, 我挑戰自己, 帶了雙豬嘜在村中散步.  他倆一聽到街街就集結於樓梯口.  乖乖等我遂一為他倆穿鞋. 他們本儍儍的無表情, 坐在stroller 上.  但當他們見到大狗, 尤其DiDi便大笑起來, MuiMui亦想飛身撲去摸狗狗.  後來, 再有兩隻小犬經過.  再令twins興奮起來.  又讓他倆摸花草, 雖然如此短短散步, 但都幾寫意. 好過只呆在家中. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

史丹利公園 (九月廿三日)

今天是唯一的一日全家可遊名勝/地標.  Daddy提議去史丹利公園.  可惜的是, 一來雙豬嘜及Daddy到達公園時已睡了.  二來Mommy & Daddy 一樣忘了帶外套給雙豬嘜, 以至DiDi事後著涼. 
這是從Weetravel 租的嬰兒車




MuiMui 笑得幾燦爛

相機無電前最後一張....劣作.  下次再去時, 一定要相機充夠電, 一雪前恥.

是晚, 與姊及好友Agnes相聚. Daddy的鬆茸矇之作成當日總結

Saturday, October 11, 2008

晚饍 (九月廿一日)

今晚, 全家去了位於烈冶文的海棠晚饍.  我想兩年多前已吃過.  雖然, 份量少, 但味道極好, 全無味精.  以前, 中文電台都推介過此食館.  地方細小, 所以, 一定要預先訂位.  但今晚, 美食當前, 我卻食之無味.  因忙於餵MuiMui.  我都不知我吃了多少.  反正, 全世界已吃完兼話飽.  我卻不感飽但亦不餓. 
今次海棠會, 我真的沒閒去真正享受美食. 



香港仔中心/探表姐 (九月廿二日)

今日無約人, 帶雙豬嘜去香港仔中心.  還買了雞蛋仔給他們. 雙豬嘜都好喜歡這新食物.


DiDi來到温哥華, 繼續其對噴水池的熱愛. 看到DiDi發呆的噴水池.

其實, DiDi仲好眼瞓添.

之後, 去探表姐及家姐. 

MuiMui一到表姐家, 已當在家般周圍爬.

DiDi就怕陌生人及新環境, 全場化身為樹熊, 緊緊地抓住Mama. 神色慌張.

遲些便可會一會雙豬嘜的表姨甥 (Mama表姐的外孫)

他的預產期比雙豬嘜遲一两個星期, 但雙豬嘜早了個多月出閘.

Monday, October 6, 2008

聚舊 (九月廿一日)

原想去慕廸港崇拜兼會前眾團友及其BBs.  縮短twins nap time及開半小時車程到教會.  教會依然, 卻人面全非.  團友Endora叫我去教會兼會BBs.  我卻撲個空.  原來眾人已改去早堂, 而不像以往的去午堂.  只好體驗吓新的Nursery.
設備齊全(playpen, highchair, breast feeding room, 玩具及TV予父母可同時聽道及照顧BB).
雙豬嘜在當日表現極佳, 只玩無喊.  可惜, Mama忘了拍照, 只可借助友人的相片展示出nursery的容貌.

聚會後, 會一會Joyce 及Karen.

眨吓眼, Jackson已三歲了. 仲似他爸爸般口齒伶俐.

笑容可掬的MuiMui點解扭計?  眼瞓?
