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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Come back slowly

It's been a long time that I have not written any blog. Recently, my sister told me there were 2 blogs that were written by 2 Bay area moms. After reading those blogs, I feel I need to write my blog again to record the growing process of my twins even if I'm v. busy. IF I don't record them, I would not remember the detail of their growing path & lose a tool to
Time flies. They both are 3.5 years old now. By end of June, they'll be 4 years old. There were many big changes since the last time I wrote the blog. Not only twins get bigger, but I also get older of course. Now I take care of them & work 4 days a week with just 1 job. Not like before, I worked 3 jobs at the same time. No more live in nanny. Our family gets our privacy back, but a lot more work for me to do.
Get twins up around 7am, Dad will take them to preschool, I will do preparation work for my job, leave home @9am for work.... So busy that I often eat my breakfast while I'm driving to patients' homes. Back home by 3pm, start doing paperwork & prep work for kids' dinner. By 6pm, twins will be with me again for dinner, bathing & sleep time ~8:30pm. Dad will be back by 8pm. Usually by 9pm, I can finally eat my late dinner & be relaxed. Day after day. Wednesday is my only day off...the only day of each week that I can do housechore & make decent meals for family.
Being a mom is very busy. I'm so admired of others that have parents & in laws to offer help. Many times I would love to be back to Vancouver where I have friends, family & relatives, especially during holiday.
Now twins both are potty trained for daytime & attending full time preschool class for 3 years old. Karissa finally was able to join in Kody's class since beginning of January d/t her behaviour issue & refused to be potty trained. Now they only need diaper at night, it sure saves me a lot of $ & trip to Costco.
I notice twins understand more about x'mas. At least, they kept on asking me to drive them to see more x'mas light display. They would say there is 'rainbow 燈燈"---multi colors light, christmas tree, reindeer, santa claus, snowman. They sure know a lot more vocabulary since they turn 3 & with help from speech therapy. But I wonder if they were born premature or what. They look & act kind of like a 2 y.o. kid instead of a 3.5 years old. Anyway,  Kody 仔仔 would prefer to speak more English. Karissa 囡囡 would speak English to Kody 仔仔 & Cantonese to me.  It's better than baby talk. But they do act silly & say baby word.
2 weeks ago, we went to San Francisco. Twins saw those tiny single garage & remembered the size of the garage door was the same as the kind a friend we visited a week earlier has....so they suddenly kept saying Arthur (our firend's name)....but not saying Arthur 叔叔...they said silly words Arthur so so.....Soon they will be much bigger that I would miss this type of baby talk.

Ice skating

It is seldom to have fellowship gathering right in my town. We have no excuse not to show up. We had dim sum with fellowship friends, then we headed to ice skating rink in town. We just planned to take kids to have a look, and not planned to let them play. 1st we both don't know how to skate, plus it was time for twins to have nap. I guess it was the 1st time they saw ice skating, so they were so excited that they were not sleepy, and requested to try ice skating. I knew it would be waste of time & money, cuz they would end up having temper for sure due to it was time for nap.  But eventually, I did give up & rent a pair of shoes for them to take turn & play. End up...they just played for a short 30 mins.
DiDi were so afraid but insisted on playing. So scared that he was not relaxed & leaned on daddy at all time. Mui Mui was having fun briefly. She was not that scared...daddy said Mui Mui didn't even put her feet on ice at all time like DiDi did