精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 27, 2008


MuiMui 從医院帶回家的第一晚, 我們已察覺她打呼聲頗大. Mama 終於記得錄下這一刻. MuiMui長大時看見, 不知會否說Mama無聊透頂. 但在Mama心目中, MuiMui和DiDi的一舉手一投足都咁吸引.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


真開心. 又慳了$50-70. 今天從一個Freecycler手中, 得到crib tent & 五盒Blue Clue 兒童錄影帶. I LOVE FREECYCLE VERY MUCH. 最好是可困住馬騮仔DiDi, 從今可安心讓他獨自留房小睡.

回家後, 清洗crib tent. 但安裝crib tent卻要用九牛二虎之力. 連手指都拉布拉到痛. 幸好, 終於大功告成. 今個周末, 將試下法寶靈不靈.


今天, Mama如常的去醫院返工 (每四星期返一日週末). 因是週末, 媬姆放假. Daddy就要身負重任, 一力承擔照顧雙豬嘜, 直至Mama收工. 都幾耐架. 由8am 到至少5pm. 辛苦Daddy啦.

我就一定於lunch break, call 回家check吓有冇世界大戰. 今天Daddy的匯報令我啼笑皆非.

Daddy: "邊個冇同姐姐着衭?"

Mama: "咁梗係姨姨啦. 佢冇同姐姐沖完凉後着衭嗎? 發生咩事?"

Daddy: "姐姐瞓醒叫, 我上樓入房抱佢時, 發現姐姐塊尿片甩咗. 姐姐身上、被、及床全是屎. 我要同姐姐洗衫及沖身."

Mama心想嘩咁大劑. 不知姐姐幫佢自己張床畫成點(用poo poo)? 我想一定好似畢加索咁抽象, 左一忽, 右一忽. 姐姐又有冇食咗屎呢? Daddy又掂唔掂呢? Daddy都係第一次幫BB沖涼.

回到家, 即刻check 吓姐姐同張BB床. 一切安好. 放心啦. 原來, Daddy可以咁叻架. 以後, Daddy唔可以話自己冇學習能力啦.

Friday, July 25, 2008


家中的百厭星君Di di巳有兩次自行攀爬出BB床的紀錄 (雖然,所有siderail were up). 幸好, 沒有大傷, 只擦傷額頭.

為免他再從高處墜下, 費煞思量. 今天, 意外地從internet找到法寶...Crib tent.

太開心啦. 終於有方法冶家中馬騮. Kody, 估你仲有乜方法再爬出, 或擲出你的奶咀到地上?


2008/7/25 因MuiMui 的健碩美腿, Daddy 都覺得MuiMui 穿裙會不好看. 所以, 穿裙的MuiMui是好少有機會看到的.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


因工作地點距家頗遠, 回到家, 孖寳多數已時近入睡時份. 今晚, 罕有地孖寳仍未有睡意. 所以, 便帶他們去附近公園打鞦韆, 見吓陽光.


July 8, 2008 第一次寫中文. So Frustrated. 碰釘子. 始終習慣用my old blogger. By the way, 這孖宝是我的心肝宝貝 Karissa & Kody.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


今日, 在車上等Daddy買完grocery回來時, Mama無聊起來幫DiDi 和姐姐拍照. 才驚覺DiDi 木納時和笑時有多大分別.

DiDi 你要學姐姐不偏食才可胖起來.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

After visit summary

Kody is badly underweight. His weight is 17 lb 14 oz (0.89%). Height is 2' 5" (19.41%). Head circumference is 45.1cm (13.62%).
Karissa's weight is 18 lb 4 oz (7.05%)..just over 5% botherline. Height is 2' 3.5" (6.29%). Head circumference is 44.5cm (29.17%).
It's time to add more solid/fat into their diet. I just bought cheese, avocado, banana, cream cheese etc. I hope their weight would have some progress a month later.

1 yr old doctor appointment

Today, twins go to have their 1 yr old doctor appointment. From previous experience, they developed fever twice. They would get vaccination again..plus 1 blood draw. I hope they would be ok. It was kind of heartbroken to see them cried from blood draw & vaccination even I already put topical ointment to injection sites to lump their sensation ahead of time.
Research nurse said the vaccine (MMVR) twins got may cause them to have fever a week after vaccination. I already stock up tylenol just in case of fever episode.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Basketball kids

I got this toy from a neighbor even before twins were born. Kody was smart that he only took a short while & knew how to play this toy. After weeks of playing, Karissa now finally able to pick a ball & put it into the basketball net area...all by herself. Kody & Karissa finally can play a match & see who gets more ball into the net.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Play at Stoneridge Mall

Since our nearby shopping mall enlarged seating area, we enjoy staying in mall for longer period especially when there is a heat wave. Today is the 1st day I have nanny 'Chan E' to be with us to seat in the seating area. She said it is so comfy & great for kids. The seating area has many big couch that Terence loves to lie on for a nap. Plus play area for kids. Karissa & Kody both love playing there. Here are the photos & video to prove it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dim sum with Terence's schoolmates (on 6th wedding anniversary day)

WE had dim sum with Terence's schoolmates from SJSU. 2 of them were new to me... Mr. Lau & his wife Connie. Karissa sure gave them a lot of laughter. Connie tried to hug Kody too, but Kody cried once he was held by Connie. Kody would only allow me, Terence & nanny Chan to touch/hug him. Karissa is the opposite. As long as you feed Karissa, she would follow you & smile. So people welcome Karissa whereever she goes. That means any one take Karissa away..no one would notice a difference. Kody would cry instead. For safety issue, it's good that Kody would cry(like a alarm/warning sign to us).

Our 2 playful children

Kody usually looks like a mini adult. Karissa looks like more like a clumsy baby. The last picture is unusual & rare. This time, Kody looks like a silly baby who has no clue. Karissa looks so 'c man' ...like a BIG sister finally.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Birthday clothes and 1st 証件相

1st birthday gift they received from nanny Chan. I finally got a time to take twins for passport photo. They both were nervous? & didn't smile to stranger (photographer). Karissa looks as usual (baby look). Kody looks so serious like an little adult. So 'Man' ah.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Early celebration of 6th wedding anniversary

Since today is public holiday, we just go to try a new restaurant in town -- Elephant Bar...for our 6th wedding anniversary(even it supposes to be 7/6). We thought it would be fun to show twins those fake elephant & experience thunder storm sound effect. However, this new Elephant Bar uses a new approach..world theme. So we saw no elephant or hear thunder storm, but only bamboo fans on celing & some luggages as background display. How disappointed. Good that food was good.

Burlington coat factory

What grabs Kody's attention?

Answer is "His own reflection from mirror".

Best time to take our 1st family pic from mirror.

Oh..I didn't look at the camera. Let's take another shot.

Kody is like 'a king of pose'...pose like a model. Daddy, why didn't you smile?