精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Surprise birthday celebration for twins

Today, Karissa & Kody both able to finish their 1st morning nap early, so we could take them to church. We usually would leave church right after service, cuz kids would cry for sleep/food. But we were asked to stay for the special birthday arrangement for twins. I'm so moved. IF church didn't throw this surprise to us, twins' birthday would have got just like that. Cuz we think twins are too young to know what's going on. Organize a party for them would only create more work to us. A church sister said she knows about it, & she bets we would not do anything cuz we are too busy. How thoughtful our church people are.
Karissa & Kody, once you two are able to say Thank you. You two should say it out loud to all uncles & aunties at church..plus be good kids to serve God.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Crawling fast at home

Kody, how come you can crawl fast at home but not at the 2 crawling contests your had ar?

Their 1st driving experience at Safeway

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Early birthday celebration to twins

June 30 will be twins' 1st birthday. But it would be Monday that Terence & I both need to work, so we choose today as the day to celebrate birthday for twins, plus enjoy a good dinner as a reward to all of the good work we have done since they were born.
We especially ordered 2 dishes that twins could eat...Tofu & steamed Rock Cod. Twins both enjoyed eating these 2 dishes.
After dinner, we had a short walk around the shopping plaza. Kody enjoys watching the foundtain so much (just like he did at Walnut Creek shopping plaza).

I become American

After all these years, I finally became US citizen. There were more than 1300 people attended for becoming new US citizens. They are originally from 90+ different countries (from Australia to Zambia..even Sardi Arabia). From reaction I sensed there were 4 main groups of people were being naturalized. They were China, Mexico, India & Philipine.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Missed Mother Goose

I finally got a Friday off. I thought I could finally take twins to join Mother Goose in local library. It's too bad that we found out Mother Goose was off till September. But we all enjoyed the cool moment(air conditioning) in library...outside was over 100F. Kody was so happy walking in library too. Kody learned to walk on 6/16/08.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

2 more toys from freecycle

These 2 toys I got it newly from freecycle. Freecycle sure helps me a lot. I got lots of BB stuff from it. I can also get rid of what I don't want to members of freecycle. This is not only save our wallet, but also save the planet (to minimize garbage waste).

Piano lesson

Every weekend, Terence would play piano to twins while I'm setting up bathroom for bathing twins AND while I'm bathing 1 of twins. Twins both like to hit on piano keys to make sounds...whatever things can make noise/sound/music..they both like very much. Hope this short music session that they have on every weekend can build up their interest towards music.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kody's 1st fall

Kody had his 1st fall in his lifetime 2 days ago. He fell from his crib. I was at work that day. Nanny gave me a call that she left Kody in crib (with all siderail up) after bath as usual. She later heard a big bang while she was bathing Karissa (just next to Kody's room). Nanny found Kody was under the crib. According to nanny, Kody must have climbed himself up to the top of siderail as he usually did. Somehow he fell himself down to the heater next to crib (good that the heater was plastic wtih rounded edge), then fell onto the carpeted floor. So it was not a straight fall from crib. Anyway, he only cried for very short time & got a small scrab on his left forehead. Thank God.
Nanny was worried & checked on Kody immediately. To check if he would cry or not if she moves all his limbs(check for broken bones). She also gave Kody a bottle of milk & checked if Kody would vomit or not. Negative on both (broken bone & vomit). Plus Kody still remained naughty as usual. Once I heard all that, I felt ease. But good to know that my boss would allow me to leave work immediately if I wanted to. The time I received the call was 10am(I started working @ 8:30am)..when we were just huddling..the clinic was not even opened yet.
If the event happens when I am working in a hospital, I bet my boss may not let me go ASAP like my clinic boss. So I gave up the high paid hospital part time job & chose low paid clinic job is a right decision. Now as a mom, I have to put my children as my 1st priority.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


We went to church & found out no church service today, church service moved to San Jose site. So we went to IKEA instead. It's been a long time we have not gone to IKEA. We had lunch there. IKEA has such a nice set up in lunch area, and IKEA really knows how to market their products. They place items that they sell in all areas. It put toys even large plastic utensil for kids to use/play with. We like those utensil for kids after spending our lunch time there. We even bought a set for twins. The set up of IKEA's diaper changing room is also like a baby room. Each display in changingroom has a price tag on it. IKEA really utilize every moment to market their products.
When we left IKEA, twins were so tired that they fell asleep. We reclined both seats of stroller. But Kody refused to lie down. He insisted on holding onto the cup holder & sleep. Everyone pass by us would point to Kody & discuss his sleeping position.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Coffin maker in Ghana

IF I have not read a post in my friend's blog(whom just came back from a missionary trip to Ghana), I would not know that coffin can be made in so many different shape.
X-File : 一起走過的日子: Coffin Maker @ Ghana

Sunday, June 1, 2008

1st birthday party twins attend

Our neighbor Elliot & Angela invited us to attend their daughter Megan's 1 yr old birthday party at Gymboree. It's an eye opening to us. Finally we know what Gymboree is all about. The party also gave us a confirmation of our decision re: get a 1 yr old party for twins.