精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Picnic at nearby park

Received a call from our long time neighbor Angela & Elliot. Their newly formed young couple fellowship was having a picnic gathering in a park that's close to our home (just 15 mins walk).
We waited & waited, our 2 little bosses finally woke up. The gathering was not done yet when we arrived. Good to meet Angela & Elliot again. We even met some other young couples. All with kids (oldest is 3 yr old, youngest is 4 month old). Karissa & Kody both enjoyed the gathering a lot. Karissa got food to eat (her main focus as always). Kody was able to crawl wherever he liked. The lawn was so big that we didn't even worry that he could get away from us.
It's so funny to find out that 1 couple has many similarities with us. The husband's last name is NG (same as Terence). So is the wife. She has the same last name as mine (LEE). We all got married in the same year (2002). We said the more we talk...we could be each other's long lost sibling. HA HA.

Monday, May 26, 2008

San Ramon Art & Wind Festival

Terence & I go to this festival every year. Last year, I was walking slowly with my big belly with Kody & Karissa inside me. This year, Karissa & Kody can experience the festival themselves the very 1st time.
They both like to crawl on grass & those mushroom shape 'wind catcher'? It costs $56 plus no way that they can play it even if I buy it. Nanny Chan won't let them staying outside to get cold.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Karissa's baby talk

I wonder Karissa is saying 'Pa Pa' or 包包?? Anyway, it's good that she is trying to speak.

No topic

Karissa's cutie moment

Karissa lately likes to blow her mouth. She also likes to tilt her head to side. It looks so cute.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008


Karissa & Kody finally can stand up without holding onto something. HA HA. Just a trick. I just got them lean onto supergate...so they can stand lor. But both don't get used to standing. Both kneeled down quickly...back to their favorite 'crawling'.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cuddle time 2

It's great that I can bring twins to go to Cuddle time again. I already made out a June work schedule that gives me Wed/Fri off, so I can take twins to join Mother Goose at our local library. It's a lot closer to home. I hope Mother Goose program would be as good as Cuddle time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Enjoy AC @ Stoneridge Mall

Today is so HOT(103F). That's why we chose to stay in local shopping mall (just 5 mins highway drive away from home)for lunch & rest afterward. So COOL. Terence & I really like the new feature in this mall. Over a year ago, it had renovation to create more seating area with chair & sofa. Now, this becomes our favorite place for rest & bottle feeding.

@ Fresh Choice

Karissa was sleeping, so she didn't get a chance to try out Fresh Choice's salad buffet. Kody enjoyed it very much. Me too. But my focus was not in food. I enjoy using Fresh Choice's high chair. We have tried out different high chairs available in all the restaurants we've been to. Fresh Choice so far is the only 1 that can hold Kody down. Even he is tiny, he could not slide himself out like what he did to other high chairs. This high chair really gave us a peaceful lunch time.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Thanks for info from coworker Shirley so we know of Singtao baby crawling contest. It was a wonderful experience. Even Kody sat still at starting point for long, he was still able to run into 4th place (out of 22 babies). That's very good. He started crawling when the fastest contestant already finished 2/3 of the road. But Kody still could be just 0.5 second slower than 3rd place. As my coworker Shirley said, Kody would have got in 1st place if he started right away. I bet Kody had more interest in the strange surrounding than anything else. Plus the stage played the theme song of 'Mission Impossible' so loud that distracted Kody so much that he could not even hear me calling him.

We used plastic water bottle to attract Kody. It's not strange enough compared to what other parents used. 1 parent even used a laptop to attract baby. Too bad that we didn't take many pics because we were so concentrated on attracting Kody to crawl.Plus friend Anna was not able to get good video of the contest d/t her son tried to play with our camcorder.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cuddle time

When I was a student nurse back in Canada, I observed how Mother Goose ran. Now I have my own kids. I like to take them to Mother Goose. Finally, I find out there are some similar programs available for babies. Today is my day off, so I take Kody & Karissa to Walnut Creek library to attend Cuddle Time.
I wish I can always get Tuesday off, so I can take them to attend this kind of activity often. We sang rhythm song, played ball & read too. I really like the book that was given to each parent for free. The book tells you places/activities that are good for children...very useful.
Kody didn't like to leave nanny. Karissa enjoyed playing balls & books so much that she didn't notice I left her (I went to other side of the room to pick up the free book.)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

1st Mother's Day

Home after visiting Walnut Creek Mall

Pottery Barn Kid

We went to Pottery Barn Kid..just to take a look. Surprisingly, we found some settings are so unique that are good for taking photo. We all enjoyed it so much..till a salesperson told us that no photo taking allowed in store.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


While we were in car waiting for daddy to finish grocery shopping, I noticed that Kody reached out to hold onto Karissa's hand. Not just once. He did it repeatedly. So sweet.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kite surfing?

I took kids to park & saw this @ park. I don't know how to call it. But it seems so extraordinary & fun.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sam Ng's ordination party

My coworker Joann's husband Sam becomes pastor today. We went to Cupertino to attend his party. Terence met an old church friend there. Cuz Sam & Terence went to the same church during their school year in university. People there said different things about our twins. 1 said they look alike. Another said they don't look alike. But 1 thing for sure. People like Kody more. Even the photographer for the event took several shots of Kody instead of Karissa. Joann also said Kody looks a lot different from before. He now looks v.smart (jin link) & more beautiful than Karissa.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kody learns to talk

Kody now learns to talk(it has been quite a while). Even he is having a cold, he's still in a good spirit/shape. Even he just can say'bababa', it's already a good step to stand out with. Now I wonder whether he'll say MaMa or PaPa 1st.