精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 25, 2008

Visit Angela, Elliot & little Megan

We finally grabbed a moment that we could visit Angela & Elliot. Since twins were born, I always been thinking of visiting Angela & Elliot (take a look of their daughter Megan (3 weeks older than our twins). Just never get a chance. Either busy, babies asleep or we simply get so tired.
Wow..their over $1 million home is so big with 5 bedrooms. Very roomy. Karissa & Kody both had a good time playing with Megan. So happy that Karissa didn't even aware of danger. She got a scratch on her face from Megan's fingernail. Karissa, you got to know how to defend yourself. Somehow it's good/bad that a person can help you at home. That's your brother Kody. He likes to attack you & take toys from you. Hopefully, you soon learn the defendsive skill.

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