精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, February 29, 2008


Kody started to be able to hold onto bedrail & stand few days ago. But he has a problem. He would stand up for a while, then decide to go to another side of bed without moving his feet. So he ends up falling onto mattress.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Visit Angela, Elliot & little Megan

We finally grabbed a moment that we could visit Angela & Elliot. Since twins were born, I always been thinking of visiting Angela & Elliot (take a look of their daughter Megan (3 weeks older than our twins). Just never get a chance. Either busy, babies asleep or we simply get so tired.
Wow..their over $1 million home is so big with 5 bedrooms. Very roomy. Karissa & Kody both had a good time playing with Megan. So happy that Karissa didn't even aware of danger. She got a scratch on her face from Megan's fingernail. Karissa, you got to know how to defend yourself. Somehow it's good/bad that a person can help you at home. That's your brother Kody. He likes to attack you & take toys from you. Hopefully, you soon learn the defendsive skill.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Mobile VS immobile

This is 1 of the typical days. Kody(mobile) would crawl to side of Karissa(immobile), then take away a toy that Karissa is playing. Karissa has no way to grab it back. Cuz she would just sit still. No matter how hard she rocks her bottom back & forth. She would still sit at the same place. Take a closer look of where Karissa sits in photos, and you know it's true that she stays in 1 place.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Brown horse prince

Kody enjoys riding this new pony v.much. He even would hold onto the handles after we taught him to. But Karissa has not learned to hold onto handles even we taught her.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sit up (Karissa's version)

Kody can sit, so does Karissa. But we guess it's all due to her size. So she's a bit clumsy. She can't sit for long without falling.

Sit without support (Kody version)

Kody can sit so well & long without support. Another achievement accomplished. YEAH.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

No topic

Kody can crawl

With training from nanny, Kody is now able to crawl. Nanny said Kody sure learns thing fast. Just like last time (learn to roll over), nanny only needs to spend 1 day to teach him. Kody would be able to do whatever he got taught the next day. Let's see if he can know how to walk as nanny predicted. Karissa still can't crawl or sit up straight for long like Kody. We bet it's due to her size...much fatter than Kody.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


WE went to the chinese shopping mall in our neighborhood for CNY dim sum. WOW..so many people waited for the restaurant to open. When we got there, there was already a line up before the store opened.
What did we order? BBQ pork bun & rice roll are the must every single time, cuz these 2 items are food that Kody & Karissa can eat and enjoy. Kody can eat 1.5 BBQ pork bun..what a big appetite. Karissa was so sleepy then, so she ate so little earlier today.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


We went for dim sum today. A dim sum lady said Terence looked like an American instead of Chinese. Many said Kody looked like his dad Terence. No wonder, people said Kody looked like a 'mix'. Mixture of me & Terence. I also heard many times that people thought I was another race instead of Chinese. U know what? They think I'm Filipino. OH NO. I used to be thought as Japanese. I guess now I got darker skin? so I tranformed from Japanese to Filipino. If that's the case, what kind of mix that Kody looks like? Filipino & American, or Filipino & Chinese?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Kody's playpen moment

Karissa's moment in exersaucer

Karissa likes to bounce in her exersaucer a lot. It sure can tone up her thigh. I have not got Karissa's sleeping photo. Here is a photo of her yawning.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Surround sound

Kody & Karissa was so happy that they yelled. Since they were placed side by side. It was like having 2 speakers (on left & right)...it felt like having a surround sound effect.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sleeping photo of Kody

Sleep so soundly that he didn't even know his pacifier was out.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Rollover babies

Terence's fans

Kody enjoys watching Terence exercising...Kody is Terence's #1 fans.