精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 19, 2007

My update

Time flies. I'll be 29 week pregnant by next Tuesday. Good to know that BBs & I r ok from yesterday doctor's appointment . Just having swollen legs & carpal tunnel syndrome (normal in twin pregnancy). No backache etc. I just can't believe that my feet can get swollen to the point like "Michelin tire". So far, I gained 40 lbs (149 lbs now). Started from 2 wks ago, coworkers noticed I started to look differently. My nose was getting bigger like Jackie Chan. Doctor even said my face started to be puffy. Hope it's a normal pregnancy sign, & not a sign that I'll have preeclampsia (gestational hypertension). Yesterday, 囡囡 sat upright inside my left side of tummy. 仔仔 lie horizontally across top of my tummy.

Perinatal nurse gave me another assignment to do daily. Besides counting contraction daily, I also need to count how long it would take to get 10 BB kicks. Wow... it seems easy but tough for me to do...cuz I'm lazy & forgetful.

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