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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Playdate with Jonah & Jascha

A twins mom I got to know from 'Happy Talkers'--Swan. She said her 2 sons Jonah & Jascha would say their best friend is Kody. I wish Kody would have a clue. Usually, another kids from preschool may approach us or call Kody's name. But Kody & Karissa would make no response as if they have no idea that's their classmate.
Anyway, Swan invited us to go to her home for a playdate today. WE went there right after chinese school. Thanks for Swan who made lunch to us. Karissa & Kody both were so happy to have someone to play with. Here's an evidence to show the 2 sets of twins were having a good time. Karissa was not in the video. She was sitting on my lap eating while I was taping it.
If you listen carefully, Terence was getting professional advice from Swan re: how to play piano.

SF's farmers market

WE went to SF to relax. There was a farmers market. WE went & bought sandwiches & tons of strawberry as lunch.

Once we were back to home, Kody as usual was not in mood to have a nap. He took out the puzzle I bought yesterday to play. He only played it twice with my help yesterday. Suprisingly, he was able to finish it all by himself today. He was so proud that he even asked me to take a photo of his finished product. Good job, Kody.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Secret place

I usually would walk along the paved trail besides creek that is just next to our home.  Today, Terence took us for a walk and led us to walk on another side of trail which was not paved. What a surprise to know that there was more to see. There was a bridge & even a big area with pinic table that people could overlook the ranch that was not far from us.
During fall/winter time, when leaves all fell down from trees, we often can see people doing horse riding at ranch from our home's windows. With this new route, we can see horses from another angle.
Can you see some brown horses from the photo below? Just under the red leaves tree.
                                                                     Here is the creek.

Story night in Pleasanton

Thanks for Swan's recommendation. WE went to Pleasanton library for story night. It was fun to watch those puppet show. Twins loved it. But they did not feel comfortable enough to sit on floor upfront like other kids.
Kody preferred to sit with Swan's twins (Jonah & Jascha). But Karissa preferred to sit with me with other parents. I wish I could be split in 2 half. Of course not possible. So they both sat on my lap for the whole night. All kids were even got a free storybook. Karissa & Kody love their new storybooks so much that would not let me touch/read them for long.