精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Attentive Kody

Whenever Terence talks, Kody would turn his head & look at Terence even Kody was very tired. That's Kody. He's been like that since he was very little.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Army campground's open house

It's 100th year anniversary of some sort of US army? Anyway, the campground had an open house. It would be a good chance to take a look of the campground which is close to my home. Wonder what it's like inside for army training. It was a sunny day but v.windy.
The best part was to see the helicopter performance. We also discovered a scene that would happen twice a year. That's having many sheep eating grass in close distance. All these sheep were rented by government twice a year. Sheep would come to eat grass on mountain/vacant land belonged to government. They usually stay for a week.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

9 month checkup

Karissa's weight: 17 lb 5.5 oz (20.38%). Height: 2' 2.75" (19.26%). HC: 17.01" (24.3%).
Kody's weight: 16 lb 8oz (1.94%). Height: 2' 2.75" (5.6%). HC: 17.01" (4.19%).

Kody learns to cough

We tried to teach Karissa & Kody to talk. However, Kody learns to cough 1st. Nanny Chan got itchy throat from allergy, so she coughs a lot lately. Somehow, Kody learns it la. Ahhh...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Chili Pepper 辣妹

Have you seen a jumpy chili pepper? Here's one.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A day in Walnut Creek

WE have not been back to Walnut Creek since twins were born. WE finally go back there today for a walk. The outdoor shopping mall in Walnut Creek is still filled with babies & well dressed locals. Too bad that Karissa was sleeping at the time, or else we would take a picture of her in front of the fountain too. Next time la.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Walk training

Nanny's new project is to train Kody to walk everywhere with device. Not just walk around sofa.

New toy--4 in 1 ride on

Friday, April 4, 2008


Today I was forced to buy a box of crackers. Kody was having tantrum, so nanny just grabbed whatever nearby to calm him down. Of course, Kody would chew on whatever he gets. I was waiting in line & buying juice. When I got back, I found out Kody was holding on a cracker box which corner was missing. I could not find any paper piece. I bet that corner got into Kody's tummy somewhere. And that's how I ended up buying that box of cracker against my will. Luckily, that crackers taste not that bad.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Karissa crawls..but backward

Karissa has been able to crawl for a while. Now, she can crawl a lot better, but still backward. Tonight, she got herself stuck undernearth the playpen. NO WAY OUT.

Another happy day at park