精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 30, 2008

9 month old; Spring time

Just discover that flowers over the fence of our small garden are in full bloom. There are a lot more flowers this year. I really like to sniff the smell of these flowers. The smell is not too strong or weak..smells like jasmine. So refreshing.

IN blink of a second, Karissa & Kody are 9 month old la. I plan to take them to studio for photo taking, but Terence prefers taking photo at home (cost effective, doesn't take much time plus there's no rush..for sure their smiling moment can be captured.)
I only use some soft blocks I have to spell out their names for photo taking. Sorry Karissa. Mommy doesn't have extra 's' & 'a' to spell out your full name, so you may as well change your name as Karis for the time being.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Playing in park

It was the 1st time that Kody & Karissa played at playground. They both enjoyed the swing so much. But Kody got tired & sleepy at the end that he lost his smile.

Out for lunch with 2 piggy

It's my 1st time to take pictures of my 2 piggy started from early morning. Since Karissa can sit without support, it became a routine that nanny & I would let her sit outside the bathroom(when I brush my teeth or when I give Kody a bath). This would allow Karissa be calm & not cried cuz she sees where we are.

Funny to see that Kody(六齒人) imitated Karissa(兩齒人)today. He tilted his head to the side whenever he got a spoonfull of babyfood. So cute.
Today, Karissa did her routine when she was at a restaurant (cry..miss her bed. So loud that a guy sat behind us...left the restaurant. So embarassing.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


On March 22nd & 26th, I tried to record the scene of 家姐姐 and 弟弟 playing together. Both day were ended in the same result. Kody found my video-can and crawled to grab onto the video-cam.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Today sure is a sunny hot day. WE even need to turn on our car's AC. While we were waiting for daddy to finish grocery shopping in 1 of our 2 chinese supermarkets in town, I took some pictures. Sunlight was too bright that I could not tell if the photos I took would be good or not. Out of my surprise, they are not that bad. Daddy even likes the photos so much that he urges me to print them out.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

You were born to be loved

I saw this clip from another blog. The little girl in this clip is really amazing. It even brought tears in my eyes.

Typical day

It's typical that Kody would like to get out of his exersaucer, stand at edge of Karissa's exersaucer, & play Karissa's toys. Karissa then would turn her body to the corner where Kody locates, and pull on his bib. Is that a sign of revenge/defend?

We went to nearby Chinese mall's Singapore restaurant for a early dinner. Twins were so behaved that they just entertained themselves. Karissa sucked on her feet. Kody sucked on his blanket. Whenever I pulled on his blanket, he would giggle in a high pitch voice. But an hour later, they both felt sleepy that they cried. We needed to rock their carseats & eat at the same time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Lately, Karissa loves looking at mirror. So silly that she would use her hands & try to grab the image in mirror. 1 time she even hit her head to mirror in bathroom..try to kiss 'the baby' in mirror.

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day

Our town Dublin is a sister city of Ireland's Dublin. So our city would have a big event/celebration re: St. Patrick day each year. It's 1st time that Karissa & Kody attend the event. Last March, they both were still inside my belly listening to all the talk I had with my sister & cousin.
The time we got there Karissa & Kody both were so tired (time for nap). So their facial expression were not that excited. Karissa as usual was not happy to be away from home. She missed her bed. Kody was the total opposite. Even he was tired, he would keep his eyes open whenever he was out. He likes to see new things.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bathing photos

Now they both can sit well in their tub. It's time to take their bathing photos again. Last time I took their bathing photos when they were 3 months old. Now they are 8.5 months old. They look so different now.
Kody's 3 months old: http://rnagnes-lee.blogspot.com/2007/10/kody.html
Karissa's 3 months old:

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fellowship night @ home

Since we became parents, it has become harder for us to be able to join church/fellowship as we used to. It's tough to fit our own agenda into babies' daily routine. The worst is Kody would stay up since 1am. It's so tiring for us especially Terence. He's the brave one that would sleep with Kody on weekend when nanny is off.
Thanks for Abby for arranging fellowship night at my home, so we can join fellowship without leaving home. It gives Karissa a chance to meet with other babies in fellowship.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Kody's 4 teeth

Kody is still Terence's #1 fans. He enjoys watching Terence doing exercise more than Karissa. BTW, Kody got 4 teeth now(a week ago). Karissa is starting to get 2 teeth (bottom).

Friday, March 7, 2008

Little adult

I went to SEARS for their semi-annual sales. I bought 3 tops & pants to Kody. 2 tops cost $0.69 each. Another 1 costs only $0.39. Nanny said this is her 1st time to know that BB clothes can be that cheap. WE quickly put 1 top for testing. Wow..Kody can wear this 12 month old top so fit that it turns him into a 'Little Man' instantly.


Finally, I found a cap for Kody to wear, but it made him look like a soldier or worker from mainland China. Today's walk is our 1st walk since daylight saving started.

Monday, March 3, 2008

8 months old

Karissa is a happy baby. But once she notices there's a camera, she would not smile. She would look serious & wonder what it is...forget to smile. I still can be happy even I can't capture Karissa's smile today. I get the rare smile from Kody. By the way, I think the bright light sure make Kody smile looks more brilliant. I really love the photos I take today.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stand up & no more fall

Nanny only spent an hour before bedtime & taught Kody how to lower his body from standing position. Kody was able to do it afterward. He now would have no more fall from changing position. He now would lower his body to sitting position, then crawl to place he would like to stand on...& then hold onto bedrail & stand. Nanny said Kody so far is the most naughty BB she even takes care of. But he also the smartest...learn thing very quick.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A date with beauty

Today, a couple (Edwin & Juliana)from Fremont church came over to Dublin to try out our new infamous chinese restaurant & visit us. Their daughter Ashlyn is so adorable. Exactly like her mom..so beautiful.