精靈雙豬嘜幾大呢 ???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fist sucking

Kody enjoys sucking so much that he puts his whole fist inside...make loud satisfying sound.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

2nd try

My 2nd try of taping Karissa's soft voice. Still...not successful. Anyway, it's only my 2nd time to videotaping using my camera. I bet my skill will be better next time..I hope.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Karissa's soft voice

Karissa made a lot of noise before I started the video tapping. Once I started, she focused on my camera instead of making noise. It's a good lesson for me. That means I should tape the video next time in a secret manner, so she'll keep on what she's doing.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Tummy time/musical toy

Because Kody tends to spit up easier than Karissa, so I seldom give him a chance to do tummy time. Today, I finally got a moment that would be safe for him to do tummy time (he's not sleepy & had meal an hour ago). So good to see that he was able to lift his head way up..much higher than before. Karissa doesn't do that well. I think her size matters. She is heavier & with bigger head...so it is harder for her to lift her head way up like Kody.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fellowship night

Good that fellowship came to my home for a meeting tonight. There were many bags of gifts/BB stuff placed around the house especially dining room. Without visit of fellowship & Gloria/JoAnn, I don't think I have energy & mood to clean up mess in my home. I really enjoy this type of gathering.

Tonight, we had so many kids in our home. Too bad I didn't have time to take a picture of them. I was busy feeding babies. I only was able to take a pic of Isaac. He really enjoys sitting in our modified highchair.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Gloria & JoAnn

Gloria & JoAnn came all the way from SF & Sunnyvale to my home. I bet they are VIP, or else they would not come on such a day that rains cats & dogs(Sunny/dry earlier). They even pick today as a day a month ago.

Gloria is so nice that brought in a used exer-saucer to us. So funny that hers is exactly the same as the 1 I bought a week earlier. So good that Kody & Karissa each has his/her own saucer.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

103 day 分娩多面睇

Ah..I finally got time to upload pics that were taken on delivery day. Compared to what Kody & Karissa look now...they both changed a lot/grown a lot. If any of you interested to see more of their old looks, you may check some July posts. I just added some pics to those old posts.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007